General description

XFLR5 is an analysis tool for airfoils, wings and planes operating at low Reynolds Numbers. It includes:

  1. XFoil's Direct and Inverse analysis capabilities
  2. Wing design and analysis capabilities based on the Lifiting Line Theory, on the Vortex Lattice Method, and on a 3D Panel Method

Questions about xflr5, bug reports, suggestions for enhancement should be directed to the Open Discussion Forum


Radio Controlled Soaring Digest 2008-02 : Francesco's great article to get started with XFLR5
Results_vs_Prediction.pdf: A comparison of performance measurements to XFLR5 results
XFLR5_Mode_Measurements.pdf: A comparison of stability measurements to XFLR5 results
Point_Out_Of_Flight_Envelope.pdf : The detailed explanation and fix for the error message "Point is out of the flight envelope"
XFLR5_and_Stability_analysis.pdf : My very personal view of stability analysis

French documentation:

Survol_Bases_Aero_et_XFLR5.pdf : Bases aérodynamiques pour l'utilisation de XFLR5
Guide théorique pour XFLR5 : Traduction française des Guidelines
Tutoriel pour effectuer ses premiers pas dans XFLR5 : 4ème version, décembre 2013
Point_Out_Of_Flight_Envelope.pdf : Explication détaillée et méthode de résolution du problème

Chinese documentation:


Japanese documentation:


Italian documentation:

Lo studio dei modelli con XFLR5
Analisi della stabilità con XFLR5
Passo dopo Passo in XFLR5_6 10 03
Usare XFLR5 V6 e scoprire un sacco di cose da imparare (translated from RC Soaring Digest April 2016)

Spanish documentation:

Acerca de XFLR5

Video Tutorial

Youtube tutorial: My first attempt at a video tutorial. This is intended for newcomers, but may also be of help to more experienced users. Please bear with my poor English, and feel free to leave your comments on each video.
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Links Original XFoil code as provided by M. Drela and H. Youngren, and of which the present application is derived. : Calculation method for multi-airfoil wings based on XFoil or Experimental Results.
XFoil electronic bulletin board@ YahooGroups. The intent is to exchange information on XFoil and other aero software.
Xerivision: Measurement, recording, telemetry, HUD for RC modelers. An innovative system which makes it possible to compare XFLR5 calculations with real time measurements on a head-up display !
sail7: A derivative for the analysis of sails.
f3fTime: An open source timer for f3f glider competitions.
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Updated June 2017

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